Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Roses from Down Under

I'm such a lucky duck! I won a surprise RAK last month from a dear blogging buddy named Vickie of  Vickie's Crafting blog in Australia! Vickie is a very talented quilter and seamstress and let me tell you, this is one beautiful bag. Just look at this craftsmanship.

It's so well-made, I could probably carry a ton of bricks in here - not that I would, it's far too precious! It's lined with pockets inside. I will use it to carry my crochet projects when I'm on the go so that I can do some (legal) hooking in the park, in the doctor's waiting room or anywhere.

Thanks so much, Vickie, for this lovely handmade bag and card. You couldn't have picked a better flower pattern than this. It's perfect! Receiving this surprise gift in the mail this morning really made my day!

Here's Gizzy investigating the package from Australia when I got it out of the mail box this morning...and on the right he's proudly posing with mommy's gifts!


I also found some gardenias growing on the bushes around here yesterday afternoon, so I selfishly took some home to scent my apartment. I can't help it, I just love smelling gardenias and I appreciate their white beauty.

They look and smell heavenly!

Wishing you all a blessed day.


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