Monday, June 14, 2010

Flight of the Bumble Bees

(click to listen to the song)

Every time I walk past this certain Crepe Myrtle bush in my neighborhood, I see hundreds of bumble other kind of bees or insects, only big ole bumbling* bumblebees!

*to bumble: to bungle or blunder awkwardly; muddle; to stumble or stagger; to speak in a low, stuttering, halting manner; mumble; to do (something) clumsily; botch.

While I was photographing them, I had to duck a few times, because I stood rather closely to the was so much fun watching them work away busily with their full pollen baskets, floating from blossom to white blossom.

Bumble bees do not produce enough honey for commercial use, just a few grams at a time to feed their young. The males do not sting; however, the queens and females (workers) have stingers that are NOT barbed, unlike the honey bee's. You can learn more about bumblebees by clicking on these Bumblebee FAQs.

It appears to be a good year for bees and dragonflies. I see a lot more dragonflies around here and that makes me very happy, since they help keep the mosquito population down.

Looks like there will be plenty of pears in the fall because both pear trees down the road (that did not produce last year) are loaded with little green pears. Nobody really cares for them, but after I peel and core them, quarter and stew them with some brown sugar and cinnamon, they make for a most delectable compote.

The blackberries at the edge of the woods behind my apartment complex are ripening and I'm sure the birds are having a feast. I don't dare drapse around in that underbrush as I'm too afraid of possible snakes in getting scratched up from the brambling bushes.

There are a couple of blueberry bushes growing at the edge of Lake Irma and every time I walk by, I check to see how they're coming along. As you can see, they're not quite ready yet.

I have more to show you, but it'll have to wait till tomorrow, because I've been gone most of the day taking my neighbor (and friend) to the doctor's and then do a little grocery shopping with her since she's still uncomfortable driving as her back is still hurting, but the doc said she's healing well. It just takes a long time to recouperate from back surgery.

Tomorrow morning I'm taking Betty's 88-year old mom to an extensive eye appointment, so I'll be sure and bring my crocheting along. She's the sweetest little old lady, but I pray she doesn't want to go window shopping, because after one of those sessions, my back hurts for two days...and I simply can't say no to her.

So, if I don't get a chance to visit you in the next couple of days, please be patient with me. On Wednesday is my Birthday! I wonder what Gizzy has planned for me?


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