Thursday, September 16, 2010

Velvet Ant or Dasymutilla occidentalis

I watched this velvet ant this morning as I sat outside with Gizzy enjoying the cooler weather, but she moved so quickly, it was difficult for me to capture a better photo. I never saw these until moving to Georgia. They look intimidating to me.

Good News! I sold my Punkin' Mouse already, so I'll be working on another.

I have to go to the eye doctor (again) this afternoon. I started seeing tiny, black, floating dots on my right eye only, and it feels like there's something in it scraping against my eye lid.

Arlene, my friend who makes wooden Treasure Chests (here: is picking me up at 11 am so that we can grab lunch on the way. We both love Mexican food, but we'll have to settle for a 7-Layer burrito from Taco Bell as we will be on a time constraint.

Lastly, a quick note to my blogging buddies: I appreciate and remember all of you. Just because I can't comment every day anymore, doesn't mean I have written you off.

It's been extremely difficult for me to negotiate through my blogging world due to all sorts of programming difficulties. I'm doing the best that I can for the moment. But trust me when I say that you are in my thoughts. I have got a memory like an elephant!


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