Saturday, September 18, 2010

Meeting a blogging buddy~!

Originally uploaded by Crocheting_in_Georgia
I had company - yeah! I rarely get company (as Gizzy's less than social behaviour indicated (he needs a vest that reads: "Objects appear cuter than they are!") but aside from that, we had a wonderful time. I had more fun than I imagined. My friend from Krafty Max Originals ( and her children came to visit me and Gizzy on Saturday.

I was surprised at how comfortable I felt around them and I even said a silly thing before driving (in her car) to Banks Lake "We're coming back here, aren't we?" as if I were going to drive home with them...a senior moment, no doubt!

It was a short, yet fun-packed visit and today, I really miss being able to post properly to show you more photos. I'll just have to post again since I can only post one photo at a time through Flickr.

I was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers and a package with handmade gifts. I will make another post about that soon..

We all had a picnic lunch at Banks Lake and walked the nature trail there - it was enchanting! I had never been on that trail, so I saw something new as well. On the way back, we drove through town to look at the Murals and the horses while speculating about plans for our next visit.

This was my first time I had the honor of meeting another fellow crafter and blogger and I really enjoyed it more than I can say. We both agreed that the Internet is a wonderful thing!

Who's next? I'm a waitin' - LOL


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