Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello my friends

That's what Gizzy saw down at the lake yesterday morning. He's such a stinker - he barks at those poor ducks who come running up to me knowing they'll get some food.

Just to let you all know, I can't get into blogger at all, meaning I cannot read your comments. I can't get into google to read my g-mail and things are kind of messed up, so please, I am not ignoring you and I will keep on posting via Flickr to let you know we're still alive. If you want to e-mal me, please, be my guest and I will come and visit you when/if I can.

Meanwhile, we're being slammed very hard financially - but then, so are a lot of people. Let's just pray for one another and keep the faith.

Love you,
Doris and Gizzy :-) or


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