I'm getting a little impatient, because we have almost mid-November and the leaves on my two ornamental pear trees have not turned color yet. We've had a lot of rain this year and it's still pretty warm, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. But so far, this is all I get. This is what I'm looking forward to:

My "cottage" (apartment) is right on the corner and I'm blessedly wedged between those two big, shade giving trees that bloom white in the spring and give me brilliant color in the fall - eventually!

In fact, it's so nice and warm today, the butterflies are fluttering on the Lantana bush (as usual).
I saw a little green face peeking at me when I opened the back door and noticed this little lizard stuck between the screen and the glass window, so I left the door propped open and slid my hand up inside to make sure there's plenty of room for him to escape.

I think he's the little one that lives in the compressor out back and when my cat Middi sits on the windowsill, he comes out and dances for her, blowing his red balloon throat and bobbing up and down on his little lizard legs like he's moving to some inaudible beat. I think it's funny. That must be the most impossible courtship I've ever seen, IF indeed that's what it is. Maybe he's just teasing her because she can't get out.

Gizzy and I had our walk around the lake earlier and now he's convalescing on the chair beside me with his sock on. He kept chewing on his pad till it got infected, so I keep it clean, medicated and under wrap for it to heal. He's pretty good about walking with it and keeping it on.
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