This is Boots, or Bootsie as I call him. He is one of several "community cats" roaming our apartment complex. He is the most likely to be adopted, because he obviously belonged to a previous resident, but was left behind when they moved out. Bootsie is starved for human interaction and is very affectionate. He visits me every day and knocks at the front door - sometimes late at night (what? am I running a 24-hour cat cafe now?) and this is what I see:

If I didn't already have a cat, I'd take him in a New York minute. Sad thing is that he really is a much nicer cat than my Middi. Middi drives me nuts sometimes. She wants to go out, jumps around and cries at me. Sometimes, when she gets too rambunctious and starts to knock things over (I live in a very small apartment) I have to lock her up in the bedroom to let her (and me) chill for a while. Besides, she agitates Gizzy with her wild behaviour sometimes and then he's chasing her. There's just not room enough for roughhousing in here. We are not allowed to let our pets roam free in this complex; besides, I don't want her to run the risk of getting injured out there and come home with all kinds of bugs to share with Gizzy. She has plenty of open windows to look out. It was always enough for her before when she first came to live with us half-starved and sick. Now that she's fat and sassy, she thinks she can be an indoor-outdoor cat, but No Sir-ee! Not while we're living here. Anyway, a while back a few of us residents, in combination with my animal group that I belong to, held a public fundraiser in the park called
No More Homeless Animals Day where we raised enough money to have 8 cats sterilized and immunized for rabies. Bootsy was already neutered, but he got his rabies shot and a deworming shot. Boots is a free spirit and he makes the rounds to the few apartments where he knows he's welcomed. I'm not having much luck finding him a good home, even one where he can just roam, yet come in for a little love and affection that he is obviously craving. I try my best, but Gizzy hates cats and yet, I have a cat (we're only allowed two small pets), so I can't take him in, although he would be a sweetheart to love. If there's anybody out there who either has the space, or knows of someone who has a place for a smart, handsome, lovable tuxedo cat - an older gentleman, as the Vet called him - PLEASE, could we work together to get him to his forever home and out of the cold? That would be the best Christmas present for me and Boots.

I had a bit of a tricky time getting him photographed because he moved around so much, rubbing on me and wanting to be loved.

He is all sugar and spice and everything nice right now, but you should have heard him in that carrier when he went to the mobile Vet. Oh, my, he sounded like a caged tiger. He was a very unhappy boy! So, keep it in mind. I'll keep looking and if you know of anyone that can give Boots a nice warm spot in their home, heart or barn, let me know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and Bootsy says: Meow! PLEASE: Don't tease, because this is really important, so only offer, if you seriously can and will help. Thanks and bless you!
p.s. Update on Boots as of 2/13/10: No, sadly I've not found him a home, but since it's been so cold outside, I've been allowing him in for a few minutes each day to eat his meal in peace and have a warm bowl of milk.Middi doesn't seem to mind. She just watches him. I do this early in the morning when the "dragon" (my Gizzy) is still fast asleep in his bed and isn't the wiser. If I could, I'd take him, but we're only allowed 2 pets. If I ever move into a bigger place, he's coming with! (God knows my heart, so maybe He'll work it out somehow!)
Bootsie was found dead this morning, Wednesday, February 17th (Ash Wednesday)...apparently he found his home another way ... ! I will miss you, my sweet feline friend.
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