I never use patterns for my flowers and just make them up as I go. Sometimes the outcome even surprises me. It's kind of fun doing it that way, plus it gives me a chance to use up some of my specialty yarn that I don't use very often.
My customer specifically ordered also dark colored pedals to go with her various outfits and not just bright ones, which I will be making more of later.
As I hurriedly walked back inside from photographing these flowers, (it is a very windy and chilly morning) something made me turn around. Look what I saw, sitting together on a bare branch of the crepe myrtle.
Look closer:
Aw, winter love! Aren't they beautiful?
I know now that they are two red-shouldered hawks cuddling (because a dear blogger friend has taught me that.) I love observing and learning of wildlife! There are so many of these magnificent creatures here. I see them all the time when walking down by the lake. They look so dignified and proud. I just love them!
No matter how hard I try, or how late I stay up to do it, I can never match nature's beauty!
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