Yesterday, I conducted my first crochet class for two ladies who were referred to me by Valdosta Technical college. Since we didn't have enough students (again) to form an official class for the Adult Education program, I offered to teach them in the social hall of my apartment complex. It was only for an hour and one of the ladies was left-handed. I don't know how to teach left-handed since I'm right handed. I did have a book with illustrations and left her with several websites, i.e. You Tube, where she can pull up tutorial videos and hopefully practice making her foundation chain and single crochet. I hope she didn't get discouraged. I'm scheduled to teach them two more Tuesday nights, so we'll see.
This evening, I took two of my friends to the Mathis Auditorium in Valdosta to see "Tops in Blue." I read the article in the Valdosta Daily Times and invited them to come along, since they are both older and don't drive well at night, especially not in the city.
We all enjoyed the program that was very well done, albeit an hour late, because their bus broke down. On the way home, we stopped at our favorite junk food place (Taco Bell) for a 7-layer burrito and a drink to discuss the show. We decided it was an evening well spent.
Tops in Blue serves as an expeditionary entertainment unit to provide quality entertainment from within the Air Force resources for the Air Force family, with priority to Air Force personnel stationed worldwide at remote and deployed locations, while simultaneously promoting community relations, supporting recruiting efforts and serving as ambassadors for the United States of America and the U.S. Air Force.
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