Thursday, November 12, 2009

Crocheted flowers and a pair of hawks

Have you ever been so obsessed with a project that you totally lost track of time? I'm sure it has happened to everyone. These crocheted flowers are the reason my eyes are burning this morning. I stayed up till 2 am crocheting flowers last night. When I get so absorbed in a project, I just don't know when to quit. One of my dear customers (and friends) who is also the mom of Baby, the cat in my Pet Costume Contest last month, wants me to make her some flowers that she can use to make her barrettes. She likes wearing matching flowers with her outfits, which is only understandable, and I enjoy to crochet, so it all works out.

I never use patterns for my flowers and just make them up as I go. Sometimes the outcome even surprises me. It's kind of fun doing it that way, plus it gives me a chance to use up some of my specialty yarn that I don't use very often.

My customer specifically ordered also dark colored pedals to go with her various outfits and not just bright ones, which I will be making more of later.

As I hurriedly walked back inside from photographing these flowers, (it is a very windy and chilly morning) something made me turn around. Look what I saw, sitting together on a bare branch of the crepe myrtle.

Look closer:

Aw, winter love! Aren't they beautiful?

I know now that they are two red-shouldered hawks cuddling (because a dear blogger friend has taught me that.) I love observing and learning of wildlife! There are so many of these magnificent creatures here. I see them all the time when walking down by the lake. They look so dignified and proud. I just love them!

No matter how hard I try, or how late I stay up to do it, I can never match nature's beauty!


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