Friday, June 11, 2010

Something we can do to help the Gulf

We can all pray for the Gulf Disaster!

1. Tomorrow, on Saturday, June 12th, we are all asked to touch the water and pray. My friend, Akasa, is talking about this movement on her blog HeartSongs....

It's easy, just touch the water - any water, and pray with all your heart!

2. We can also help this way:  Craft Hope's Project 8 is asking us to sew, crochet or knit hand towels, wash cloths, rags, etc. to help clean up the oil spill on the gulf coast. They don't have to be fancy because they're just being used a couple of times and then discarded, but since it's a carfting site, they need to be handmade. A simple solution for the people with sewing machines would be just to cut up old T-shirts and such and sew them into rags. There's more detailed information on the website.

Due date for this project is July 3rd, 2010, but please be sure and consult Craft Hope for more details.

Thank you and God bless you!


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