Some of you may have noticed that I've not commented as much. I've been crocheting, helping people and doing stuff around the house. We have another big apartment inspection coming up in July and I need to declutter/reorganize.
I have a few things I want to accomplish besides blogging, one is blueberry picking because blueberry season is here and I want to stock up my freezer. I got some yesterday from a man who worked at the local pharmacy.
He has a blueberry orchard and delivers blueberries locally for $2 a quart, all cleaned and ready for the freezer in a zip-loc baggie. However, picking them myself is cheaper, because at Mallory Farms I can pick a gallon for $8, so that would be half the price of getting them delivered. I just have to go really early in the morning and bring my wooden stool or else my back won't hold out. Good thing the blueberry bushes are like small trees here and one doesn't have to stoop down to pick them like I had to when I lived in Germany. Back then we went blueberry picking in the forests and there they grew low to the ground.
Also my dear friend Samantha from Samantha Gallagher's Art Studio has sent me a book a while back that I really want to finish reading; It's called Robbing the Bees.
Well, I'd best go and pop some corn for the ducks because I'm all out of bread and I can't go to the lake/pond without any food. They follow me around quacking and making a spectacle of themselves.
(...meanwhile Gizzy lounges in his bed)
Remeber to enter my Giveaway if you want a chance at winnig my patriotic star coasters!
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