My neighbor and I went blueberry picking this morning at 7 o'clock at another neighbor's family property. The lady who lives there doesn't like blueberries (imagine that!) and told us to pick all we want.
She lives out in the country on a dirt road in quiet, green surroundings where the fox and hare kiss good night. I could totally see myself living here.
I imagined myself living out here with Gizzy enjoying the peaceful quiet with only the sounds of nature and allowing Middi to roam to her heart's content. In such places, I can really hear God! I could even imagine myself writing, like maybe my memoirs (names would have to be changed to protect the innocent), a children's book or some self-help article... you can think clearly without the pressure and noise of civilization.
Nothing but fields in every direction...
Walking past the house towards the back yard, we see the Muscadine grape vine to the left
with a pear tree somewhere in the center
and off to the right are the three blueberry bushes we were looking for.
We picked for about two hours or so, till it looked like it might rain and by then we had enough, so we packed up and went back, knowing we'll return at least one more time, since many of the berries were still not ripe.
Many of them we had to leave for the birds, because they were simply too high up. Even though we took turns pulling down limbs with the cane while the other picked, it was impossible to reach the big ones up high (darn!)
We accidentally broke off a branch that we took home with us, not wanting to leave any evidence of us destroying the blueberry bushes... not that anyone would have noticed.
Bye-bye bushes, till next week - thanks for the berries!
(I wore my high top shoes and was thankful not having received a single fire ant bite. I did however end up collecting some berries in the front of my blouse, which I will not be wearning again next time.)
Heading back to the car, you can see Evelyn carrying her loot and my bucket next to the wooden bar stool that I like to bring along for resting my back. Next time I'll bring two.
Evelyn putting the branch in her trunk while I lookoed around at the old homestead imagining what it must've been like when it was new and many people lived here...
Just an old shed...thought it looked rustic under those trees.
The lady's old cat waiting on the steps - probably for breakfast.
Driving back home with our treasure! I think we each picked about three or four gallons worth of blueberries.
We passed a couple of grazing horses; the one on the left might even be a mule...can you tell?
We saw the most adorable little puppy standing in someone's driveway - look at those ears:
Arriving home, I'm getting the third degree..from the Gizz:
"So THIS is what you left me for? We are NOT amused!"
"What is this stuff anyway? Doesn't smell like anything I want to eat."
Alas, I presented a peace offering in the form of a bacon, egg and cheese bicuit (hold the biscuit.)
Hmmm, might not be acceptable and more groveling is needed ... guess I have to bring out the big guns...
and go for ye ole' belly-rub!!!
Ahhh, that does it every time!
Just a few more things:
When Gizzy and I visited my friend Arlene yesterday, besides well water, she gave me this cute hanging curio that she doesn't want in her house anymore, because it reminds her of the guy who gave it to her - Ain't I lucky? I know just where to put it and what to put in it.
Also, I've been into tea again lately and although I have my preferred supply, I like experimenting with a new flavor now and again. I really like this tea. It smells like Mango, but tastes like Gardenias ... not that I've eaten Gardenias, but if I did, I would imagine them tasting like this.
I know that I'm behind in my reading and commenting, but I will catch up shortly, I promise! (as soon as I sort those berries and get them into baggies for the freezer.)
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