This pretty fllower potholder is 100% cotton and was made in two pieces and then crocheted together (about an 8" sqare)
Another 8" square cotton potholder that has a shell motif in the center and I also made another bee scrubbie (cotton and nylon scrubbie inside.)
Gizzy has been a very patient boy, mostly sleeping by my side. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment to see the doctor about my welts and strange, itchy rash for some antibiotic. Gizzy and Middi need to go to the Vet this week for flea drops and a few shots...that'll be my first priority - our health!
Now I'm browsing through some patterns to see what "speaks" to me ;-) Again, Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy your BBQ (if you're having one!) I don't eat red meat anymore, but I have to confess that smelling a thick, juicy steak charcoaling over a grill still makes my mouth water.
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