Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amigurumi Bee Scrubbie

I crocheted my first bee shaped amigurumi scrubbie last night. Again, I used 100% cotton in buttercup and beige (around a nylon pot scourer.) I had no brown or black that I will have to buy the next time I'm in the city. Meanwhile, I'll just use what I have on hand.

Across the street, they're cutting down more trees this morning, because the geniuses who ran this apartment complex are obviously oblivious to the health benefits and energy saving qualities of trees.

The butchers (ahem) gardeners who zoom through here every now and then to mow the lawn and hack the trees and bushes have come through last week to trim our bushes/hedges... again. They've managed to decapitate nearly all the budding gardenias that were on the cusp of breaking open. I also noticed with great sadness that the huge gardenia bushes down by the lake where chopped to the ground. There were clusters of five or six big bushes around two trees (not bothering anyone - out in the open - not interfering with anything) and someone's got it in their head that the gardenias needed to go. I fail to understand ... it must be me.

These photos are from last year (June 9, 2009) when the gardenia bushes were blooming and I always took a few home to enjoy the scent. Weren't they beautiful?

(Now I can look at the photos and imagine!)

My flower bouquet from Betty with the magnolia blossom has held up quite well. I'm surprised because normally a magnolia blossom doesn't last very long. This one has closed up in the shape of a giant tulip, look:

... and now I'm taking my swollen, insect bitten face and my itchy dog to my friend's to collect some well water that I didn't get yesterday and maybe try to cheer up a little. Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday. I really appreciate you guys!

Remember to enter my Giveaway.
Today is the last day to enter!


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