I have a series of really nice, hardcover cross stitch crafting books that I think some of my blogging buddies might enjoy. I'm offering one of these books for you to keep or give away as a gift. If you do not cross stitch right now, but would like to learn, the instructions are very explicit and have wonderful illustrations and diagrams for you to follow.
So, I'm having a Giveaway for one of those lovely hard-cover books and a small favor to ask in return. Some of you have already answered my question as to which of my crocheted bees you prefer on this previous post:
To enter this Giveaway, just write a comment stating that you would like to be included in the drawing. Also, if you have not answered my survey previously, please also let me know which of my crocheted bees you like best (either for yourself or as a gift to someone.) Good luck!
Here's a sneak peek of what you will find inside this 144 page book that I am offering here today:
Every comment gets one entry and my followers get two.
Giveaway ends in two weeks and I'll be announcing the winner on May 27th, 2010. Again, good luck, and thanks in advance for answering my little "bee survey."
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