As I said before, the play is laid out in such a way, that just two puppets are on stage at any particular time. It is a very simple script for the very young.
Top L > R: King, Princess, Policeman/Bobby
Bottom L > R: Kasperle, Monkey
They look pretty much ready, except for a little spot cleaning and ironing of frocks.
I still have to find (or make) some props (a picnic basket, trees, rope - don't worry, nobody's going to get hung) but the biggest part will be making my stage. I already have a good idea in mind, so that I can start working on that tomorrow or today after I get back from the library and distributing some flyers.
Yesterday I learned about the Valdosta FreeMarket Classifieds where one can place all kinds of ads for free online, sort of like Craigs List, but provided by Valdosta Daily Times, so I placed an ad and now I'm totally committed...sounds scary, doesn't it? (NOTE: I just received an inquiry from a small Christian school about performing for them - that was quick!)
I have enough card board boxes to make a table top stage. I need to find my glue and stapler. I have some scrap material I can use and some paints, only I have to use them sparingly since they are not inexpensive poster paints, but my acrylics for painting pictures...I'm determined to use only what I have around the house this time, because all too often I went all gung-ho about a project and spent a lot of money on supplies, only to let it fall by the wayside. (Yeah, the old gal actually learned something over the years!)
Off to the library. Ta-ta!
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