Honey bees have been a subject of teaching and inquiry at the University of Georgia for decades. These marvelous insects are manageable and used to produce honey and pollinate crops. They are practical models of biological organization and social behavior.
Honey bee research at the University of Georgia emphasizes sustainable bee health management as well as more basic questions on bee pollination and foraging ecology. At our dedicated facility at the UGA Horticulture Farm, we have space for offices and labs, trucks and equipment for managing up to 200 bee colonies, and easy access to perennial and annual crop plants.
In all its initiatives, the UGA Honey Bee Program aims to develop research, teaching and extension initiatives that are locally responsive while globally relevant.
If I ever decide to become a beekeeper, I can go here Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and become familiar with Georgia bee laws and other valuable information.
Here's something I look forward to, namely the Honey Bee Festival in the city of Hahira, GA, the first weekend in October.

I can only go as a seller IF I can find someone to go with me to help me because it's still pretty hot during the first weekend in October. I can't possibly carry my goods and the set up all by myself without suffering a heat stroke. Setting up for a crafts fair is exhausting work! Besides, walking through all the different vendors and looking at everyone's items is so much more fun than being tied down to a booth for two days...they also have a parade and a lot of tasty foods to try. I recently became fond of boiled peanuts, which is something I never had living anywhere else, so it must be a Southern thing. I also tried the deep fried pickles (because I love pickles) but they were too salty and just not my cup of tea. I'd rather eat my pickle straight from the barrel or jar.
If you are in the area, plan on visiting the Honey Bee Festival in Hahira, Georgia, on Friday and/or Saturday, October 2nd and 3rd, 2009.
Here are a few examples of my crocheted bees, more of which you can find in my shop called Honey Bee Crochet by SturmDM on Etsy.

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