This morning I had a painting date with a lady who also likes to paint. We were to meet at 8 am at Bank's Lake where we would paint on the pier. Lo and behold, it started to rain and we had to postpone our painting session for another day. I, however had my heart set on painting, and just set up my supplies at home, in front of my computer, and began to sketch the rooster I found online that struck my fancy.
Since tomorrow is a "Rooster Blog Party" hosted by Bella Vista, I've got roosters on my mind and searched for some good photos of handsome roosters. I'm not good enough to draw/paint freestyle and need a model, so this is the handsome fella I'm trying to paint:
Here's an interesting tid-bit of information that I learned yesterday whilst browsing for rooster pictures: Did you know that the roosters used in cock fighting get their combs and wattles removed? It's called to dub - or dubbing - and sometimes they do it to chickens if they live in very cold climates, so that they don't get frost bitten there. It sounds painful to me, but they cut dog's ears and tails, don't they? Strange, what people do to animals - and to each other, for that matter!
It's still raining, so I'll make some hot tea and continue with my picture.
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