Sunday, July 4, 2010

How I spent my Independence Day: by Gizzy!

Hello, this is a post from the dog, me, Gizzy!  Mom is resting and I'm typing while Middi is holding the keyboard - Nooooooot!

In the morning I had breakfast in the park:

(I was hungry like a wolf)

After a nice little stroll investigating and inspecting, I sat on the porch of my dream house:

Then, I sat on a park bench to take in the scenery. It wasn't as hot as it normally is.

Of course, my  mommy always has plenty of fresh water on hand for my BIG thirst:

(Mmmm...that hit the spot)

After that mommy took me to our friend's house where I visited with her two doggies:

Tuffy (who's about my age)

and Sasha (who is Tuffy's daughter)

I love going to Sandy's house, because I get to stroll around the garden without the leash on and there's always very interesting and new smells to discover.

Mommy and Sandy sat on the porch talking and watching the birds, such as this handsome Cardinal:

Later, we walked across the street to visit a neighbor's dog who was in the back yard all by himself:

This is Paco, the Chihuahua, who seemed very friendly, but not very well mannered. He lifted his leg right on my face and mom had to rinse me off with the garden hose - yuk! (He barely missed my eye!)

Sandy gave me a big, soft towel to roll on and dry off:

 A few hours later, it was time for all of our naps (yes, we are seniors!) and I went back home:

As we walked out the gate, Sandy invited us back any time. Isn't that nice? (Note to mom: Find us a place like that! I like it here!)

Sandy's grandson took this group photo of us:

Hope you had an enjoyable Independence Day too!

(Uh-oooooh, mommy's coming. I'd best jump off this computer and scurry back to my bed. I know how she is about dog hair on the keyboard.)


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