I know it doesn't look that great, but at least it helps block out the afternoon sun that burns down relentlessly till past 7 pm. I ordered three, one for the living room window, the bedroom window and one for over the door. The front door gets soo hot that you could actually cook on it. I burned my forearm on it once before I realized it was metal and not wood (because it looks like wood.)
Also, I have some major rearranging/organizing of my "stuff" (yarn, etc) to do, because we're having another inspection, only this time not from the apartment manager, but from the USDA Rural Development. Even though they are generally interested in structrual conditions, they do pop in randomly so that we all have to be prepared for an official visit on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thankfully, Gizzy is getting his yukkies out today and should be fit by then. As usual, it's my fault, for giving him some chicken from Hardees yesterday, even though I know how chicken affects him - if only the tiniest bit. Poor boy! He's been in the bathtub four times already this morning while the mop is on standby. All I can say: thank God for vinyl flooring!
(I'm a bad mama - when will I ever learn?)
I'm also finishing a potholder for my Potholder Swap that I have entered in my group called Pins and Needles. I won't be able to tell (or show) you till my partner receives it in the mail. I don't want to spoil the surprise for her in case she reads my blog.
So, now back to doing some reorganizing (hiding) and crocheting and hoping the Gizz will sleep it off.
Don't forget to enter my July Giveaway!
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