Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pet Costume Contestant No. 7

"The Pirate"

The photos of Eddie in his "skull and cross bone"* sweater and his Christmas collar, were submitted by Pam of Bags and More by Pam, who crocheted these clothes for him.

Eddie is a three year old Boston Terrier who loves to sleep with a toy in his mouth and is very affectionate. I'm sure that Eddie "The Pirate" has stolen Pam's heart ;-)

*Skull and Cross Bone: (aka Jolly Roger)
The Jolly Roger is the name given to any of various flags flown to identify a ship's crew as pirates. The flag most usually identified as the Jolly Roger today is the skull and crossbones, being a flag consisting of a skull above two long bones set in an x-mark arrangement on a black field.


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