The first photo shows Lucy as a cool ladybug, wearing her sunglasses:

The second picture shows Lucy in her Witch's costume:
"Witch Lucy"

*Pembroke Welsh Corgi: A bold and kindly expression well befits this home-loving and energetic little dog. Despite his wee size, this Welshman is a vigilant and responsible watchdog. He is affectionate with his own and greatly admired for his superior intelligence... (The Mini-Atlas of Dog Breeds by A. DePrisco and J.B. Johnson)
I think Lucy looks adorable! Thank you, Julie, for entering your dear doggy. I hope we'll get more entries, now that you have kick started the contest.
You can learn more about Lucy and her family onWorkingonadream-Julie.
I'd love to see more critters in their costumes, and remember, it's for any animal, not only for cats and dogs! REMEMBER last day to submit photos of your pet(s) - ANY pets - is Wednesday, October 14th and that's less than a week away. So hurry and send me an e-mail with your photos.
Please note that I am changing the rules slightly by entering two photos of your pet(s) to give the readers more choices.
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