Let's see, what shall I give you, my pretties?
How about this pretty Witch...ahem...Lacecraft book:

This 64 page, hardcover book (8 1/2" X 11") called "Learn Lacecraft" by Audrey Vincente Dean, was published by The Main Street Press in New Jersey; First American Edition, 1987.
The winner of this Trick or Treat Giveaway will receive a beautiful, hardcover book entiteled "Learn Witch... (ahem)...Lacecraft" and it will be great for all my crafty friends and followers that are good with their hands. And, if you are not feeling so crafty, just remember that Christmas is not far off, so this would make a thoughtful gift for someone who enjoys making things with lace.
I am also including one of my lovely hand rocheted bookmarks with a snowball and a snowflake, one on each end. Here's a picture of it:

Learn Lacecraft is the first book to bring together all the know-how for working with lace. Old and new techniques for using lace, on romantic furnishings and clothings, in decorative sewing and embroidery, are here in this book. There are more than 50 projects to make with lace, all with easy-to-follow instructions and diagrams, and many exciting ideas for using lace in crafts and needlework.
To give you a better idea of what's inside, look at these pages:

On a side note: When ever I think of lace, I remember the play "Arsenic and Old Lace" that I saw years ago at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood. The play had Jean Stapleton in it (you will remember her as Edith Bunker in All in the Family) and actress Marion Ross, who is best known for playing Ritchie's mom in Happy Days.

So much for nostalgia!

Kitty says, to win this Trick or Treat Giveaway, you must do the following (meow):
Post a comment here (between now and 10/31 at midnight) to get one chance to win, BUT, and this is IMPORTANT! Be sure your comment starts with the words "Trick or Treat" - or else, no treat!
If you follow my blog, you'll get a second chance to win (2)
If you post a link on your blog, linking back to me and my Giveaway here, then you will get a third chance to win (3)
Please make sure to leave me a comment indicating hat you have linked back to my blog so that I can go see.
This Giveaway will only last for three days, until the end of the day on Saturday, October 31st (Halloween) and then it's over.
The next morning, (if I survive Halloween) I will write out tickets for every name and let Gizzy or Middi pick one so I can post another article, announcing the name of the winner.
So, don't be a ghost and not show up for this Giveaway, or rather be a ghost and do show up, since it is Halloween, after all. I really appreciate everyone taking time to write a comment and I always look forward to seeing who has visited me here.

Hope your Halloween holiday is glowing with good fun, good friends and lots of laughter - be it ever so eeeeeerie, deary! he, he, he, heeeeeeeeee, cackle-cackle, screeeeeech!!!