I am a member of CHAT of Lanier County. CHAT stands for Citizens for Humane Animal Treatment. On Monday, June 1st, I was voted to be the Treasurer for this non-profit corporation. Since the topic of the meeting was "Help save our honey bees," I talked about honey bees and the problem with CCD, which stands for Colony Collapse Disorder. No, I'm not a professor of entomology or a beekeeper, but I have become very interested and involved with issues concerning our beloved honey bee. One of my shops on Etsy is called
Honey Bee Crochet and I donate a certain percentage of my sales proceeds to Honey Bee Research. I have joined groups that are involved in the subject of honey bees, many of which are beekeepers. We share information and reading materials so that we can keep informed of the latest developments and find methods to help our honey bees with CCD. I have learned so much since the first time I saw this movie called "
Silence of the Bees" on Nature, a program on GPB/PBS. I decided right there and then to do whatever I can to help and educate others in this area of concern. There is so much still to learn, but thankfully there are so many resources, especially if you have a computer, there's just no reason to not be informed. I'm happy to be able to help in a small way and hopefully contribute in helping to save our honey bees from disappearing. We also had a nice couple from Valdosta come talk to us about their therapy dogs service. This is a wonderful thing to do for anyone who feels the despair and loneliness of facing old age and/or illness alone in a hospital bed. Dogs can communicate without words and express compassion in a way that a person can't, so we (CHAT) is going to support therapy dogs in our community as well and invite them to visit our convalescent hospitals on a regular basis too. We also handed out two door prizes (crocheted by me) and everyone got a seed packet to take home for planting flowers for the bees and other pollinators. We had a nice assortment of refreshments. I made deviled eggs and the Secretary and vice-president (mother and daughter) made little finger sandwiches. They also provided cheese & crackers, pickles and pretzels and the president brought the cutest little honey bee shaped cookies to eat. There were soft drinks and everyone had a good time. We only had about 16 people, but it was a very nice group of people. The meeting adjourned around 8:30 pm, but many folks stayed longer to socialize and talk amongst themselves. Afterwards, the president, secretary and I, the treasurer, stayed to brainstorm upcoming events and fundraisers. We made plans for future guest speakers and topics of interests for the rest of the year. Before we knew it, it was 10:45 pm and we were tired, but all in all, it was a very productive meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to announce to anyone who would be interested in joining our group, either as a member or guest (or guest speaker on an animal-related subject) that we are open to the public and everyone is welcomed. We love all animals and try to have a variety of guest speakers in every meeting, which is held monthly on the first Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Jury room of the Lanier County Courthouse. Meetings last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. We offer refreshments and door prizes! We also offer special memberships to people who cannot attend our monthly meetings. As a supporting member, the annual fee is $20 and as an active member, you pay just $12 a year. That money money helps offset the cost for printing business cards, pamphlets and brochures used as educational material and hand-outs during our meetings and fundraiser events. Corporate memberships are also available at a higher cost. Soon our website will be up and running and I will provide the address at that time.

Won't you please help help save our honey bees? If you can't become a beekeeper, support your local beekeepers, buy their honey and plant lots of flowers. * Buy organic, whenever possible, and support your organic farmers and local gardeners. * Join a garden co-op project in your neighborhood (if there is one) and volunteer some of your time for planting and weeding. The rewards are a healthy bounty of pesticide-free veggies for all to enjoy. * Be environmentally conscious and don’t pollute - especially not in nature! * Don’t use pesticides, or less of them, try using organic alternatives whenever you can (i.e. a solution of vinegar and water instead of window cleaners) * And most importantly, teach your children well...teach them, by example, to respect nature and to be kind to the environment and the animals. Pass on the torch to our next generation so that further down the line, human beings have something left to enjoy! What would it say for us, if we left behind a heap of non-biodegradable garbage and pollution and no natural beauty left to enjoy? Basically, whatever is good for the environment, is good for the bees!
Honey Citrus Soother 3 tea bags green or black 1 cinnamon stick 3 cups boiling water 1/4 cup honey 1 cup grapefruit juice Place tea bags and cinnamon stick in a 1-quart tea pot. Add boiling water; steep 3 to 5 minutes. Remove cinnamon stick and tea bags; discard. Stir in grapefruit juice and honey.
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