It's been raining a lot and everything's so green and lush looking. The water looked like a mirror this morning, so I'll be including some of those reflection shots.
I still get a kick out of these Cypress Trees' roots, the way they pop out of the ground. They look like little creatures standing up looking out onto the water
I love the way the morning light filtered through the trees. It makes for interesting shadows (I think.)
The next photo shows the "big" house on the corner reflected in the water. I think it looks pretty.
The next one looks like an up-side-down picture, but it's just the reflection in the water.
The following is of the solitary palm tree. It sort of sticks out amongst the other trees.
Look at all those blueberries on that bush. I can't wait to sample some of those:
Not much longer...
I showed these flowers before, but not as a close up. They look like some kind of Iris flowers to me, but I'm not sure what they are:
I just love that bright orange and yellow. Looks very fiery and glowing.
I took this close up of a blossom from a tree. There were more, but kind of high up and this one was the closest. Don't know the name of it, but it reminds me of a Carnation.
This must have been an extra sweet Magnolia because I saw several bees buzzing around the stem of the blossom.
They were almost fighting over it
Later, on the bridge this little dragonfly held her position till I was done photographing her from every angle. There was a bright green one too, but it flew away.
Just another pretty view of the water.
Gardenias galore!
Can you almost smell them?
There were so many, I didn't feel bad about taking a bunch home to make my apartment smell wonderful.
My boy likes them too.
As we were sitting there, I noticed a big white bird with it's wings open near the little peninsula.
It looked bigger than the rest of the herons I see around this lake. I suspected him to be a stork.
At closer inspection, I see that it was indeed a Wood Stork.
I was lucky enough to hide behind some trees and a trash can to take this better picture (luckily Gizzy didn't see him, so he didn't bark to scare him off)
Next stop, Hydrangea madness:
Lovely view down onto the water
Obviously, I didn't know when to quit
My boy is being pushed home because he's a senior citizen and he's worth it, dahlings!
Till next time...enjoy the flowers!

1-1/2 cups milk
1-1/2 cups cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey (Star Thistle, Orange Blossom or other light citrus honey*)
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a heavy saucepan, scald the milk, honey and sugar. Stir while it is warming to dissolve the honey. Heat until tiny bubbles appear around the edges. Do not bring to a boil. Place the yolks in a bowl and whisk for 2 minutes until they are lightened in color. Whisk in the cream. Remove the scalded milk and honey mixture from the stove. Whisking constantly, add the hot milk to the yolks, a little bit at a time to warm the yolks. Return the custard mixture to the saucepan and place over a medium low heat. Stir constantly for about 8-10 minutes, or until the custard coats the back of a spoon. Strain into a clean bowl, add the vanilla, stir and place plastic directly on the surface. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours or overnight. Freeze according the ice cream machine manufacturer’s instructions. Place an airtight container in the freezer while the ice cream is freezing. Pack the ice cream into the cold airtight container and place in the freezer for several hours for best results.
*Any honey may be used, these are simply varietal recommendations.
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