Let's work Paw in Hand to safe lives!
Please join THE MOMS RESCUE for the most rewarding experience of your life. If you are an animal lover ,please consider taking this trip with us. We are putting together a caravan of RVs, cars, motorcycles and planes to travel to Georgia on August 19-23, 2009.
Rescue Ink as well as Animal Rescue Flights will be joining us. We are gathering donations of food and supplies to bring to these rural shelters and we will be saving lives. We will be saving these animals from inhumane deaths such as gas chambers and cardiac heartsticks with no sedation.
The state of Georgia is eagerly anticipating our caravan and have scheduled very large arrival parties for the group. We will be followed by every media outlet from NJ through to Georgia. This is expected to be the largest awareness and rescue program Georgia has ever seen. You can help, please join us.
Below is an e-mail I received today and I'm planning on passing it on to everyone I know. Please do the same!
Just in: an e-mail from Karen Talbot
Good morning to everyone,
As many of you already know, The MOMS Rescue along with ARF (animal rescue flights) and Rescue Ink from NY will be traveling to Georgia.
Animal Adoption Center will be coming along with their transport van to bring home to Jersey their limited intake ,at that time of 25 dogs/puppies. I am reaching out to everyone here who are in the animal rescue world and have many established relationships with the GA network and saving their dogs.
We want a mass exodus of GA animals. We all collectively rescue at different times throughout the year. If you already commit to saving animals and can find space at this particular time 08/19/-23, 2009, we will personally hand deliver the animals to your rescue group fully vetted and quarantined. We have attained monetary sponsorship to allow our numbers to grow. We can save as many as we have accepting rescues for.
We have volunteer transporters set up to transport in this mass exodus. If I am reaching out to you and you are on the GA end, please reach out to your connections and the rescue groups you work with throughout the country to see if they can commit to any during this time. I need to know how many rescue groups can commit to even one starfish during this time to add to the exodus number while we have all the help lined up to pull, vet, quarantine and transport.
We are coming by land and by air with over 50,000 lbs of committed dogfood/catfood to deliver on the caravan. Please let us all join forces and make a mass exodus of animals very large to capture nationwide media attention and possibly get to the root of the problems S/N!!!
Please contact me asap if you can commit to numbers or if the rescue group you work with can commit. We are utilizing our network of already established credible rescue groups so the GA network is comfortable in sending their animals into the groups and not just sending dogs/ cats into the oblivion.
CATS and cat rescues: Our main goal with the film crew that we have coming is to completely empty out one shelter which is Chattooga. I counted over 30 cats/kittens on PF last night (just figuring numbers) and over 40 dogs/puppies. We need to know if cat rescues can commit, at this time to taking in some. I know we have our own cat population in the North but for the purpose of emptying out a shelter, can we help the cats and kittens this time and bring them up.
Our children then will go into an empty shelter and the film crew will film them being interviewed and telling our country "this is our vision for one day, that every shelter in our nation is empty". Please let me know. The animals that are pulled on that particular day of course will not be transported home with us from that trip-they will be quarantined and vetted. The animals that we will be transporting home w/the caravan would have been pulled already two weeks prior for quarantine purposes.
We want the dramatic affect of walking into the shelter and having Rescue Ink, ARF, The MOMS and most importantly-children carry everyone of the animals out on that particular day in history, while being filmed. "NO ANIMAL LEFT BEHIND DAY"! Please feel free to contact me at anytime-609-665-1224 and the website- www.themomsrescue.com has constant updates. Thank you!!!! Kar
One of the places on Themomsrescue website is called DOSGS ON DEATH ROW, but there are other ways you can help as a private individual. The best way is to tell everyone you know about this - word of mouth and keep the ball rolling! Let's get together and help our four-legged friends.
The Starfish
One day a little boy and his mother were walking along the beach. There were thousands of washed up ,dying starfish on the beach after a storm. The little boy was reaching down and tossing the starfish back into the ocean, one by one. An older, gruff man appeared on the beach and exclaimed to the boy "Why bother, there are too many of those starfish on this beach to make a difference!" The little boy looked at his mother and smiled and proceeded to reach down for yet another starfish and toss it back into the ocean exclaiming "Sir, I just made a difference to that one!"
You can help us make the difference, one starfish at a time!