After a few initial threatening rain clouds, it turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day and everyone had a fine time. It was a small crowd (about 30 people, not counting the musicians) but we're hoping the event will continue to grow with every coming year.
Here is the awards ceremony in recognition of folks in the community (public and private) who have helped in an effort to control animal population in our city.
I enjoyed the music, especially the song about "Homeless Jimmy who lives on the street" (even though it made me cry) and I'll never forget the "My little Artichoke heart" song that still dances in my head.
We had some poetry readings (this one is about the Rainbow Bridge)
I also read my own poem that I wrote about the disappearing honeybees called "Falling"
I am a Western Honey Bee,
I work both day and night,
collecting honey from a tree
and plants to save my hive.
Sometimes my fellow worker bees
get lost, I don't know why.
When I return to my colony
they are nowhere in sight.
What is this thing called CCD?
What is a bee to do,
but keep on working busily
making honey for me and you.
I heard it in the willow wind,
it whispers to us all:
"we've been around for millions of years,
don't let the last bee fall!"
We had a bake sale and I brought my crocheted and knitted items that I was offering for donations. I raised about $35 and all together, we made over $150 during those four hours in the park on Saturday. My neighbor's daughter brought her two horses to provide "pony" rides for a donation and even some adults got in on the fun:
ABOVE is a little movie clip on how to get on a horse once you had a hip replacement (I had two of them)
I really enjoyed this event, especially because now we can have our homeless cats spayed and neutered. We're implementing the TNR program and have already established a couple of feeding stations - away from the apartments - so that we can set our traps next month when the mobile Vet comes to our town.
I also won a prize for getting the answer correct for this question: "How many marine animals lose their lives every year due to plastic?" (the answer is: 30,000)
I won this cute little kitty air freshener - a toy dipped in soy wax with cinnamon scent. Not only does it look adorable sitting there, but it also makes my apartment smell very nice. When the scent starts to fade away, all you need to do is to blow some hot air from a hair dryer on it to reactivate the scent.
All in all it was a very successful fundraiser and I'm glad to have been a part of it. I believe everyone had a very nice time. I hope that next year, this "No More Homeless Animals" Day Celebration will draw an even bigger crowd!
Some came just to eat...
and to look good!
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