Yesterday, I met a very nice young couple at the Bank's Lake National Wildlife Refuge, where Gizzy and I visit often.
He was fishing from this pier and ended up catching a baby alligator (about 1 1/2 feet long.)
Thankfully, the young lady took a couple of photos that I received in an e-mail from her today (5/18/09) so here they are:

I got to touch my first gator ever (he felt like a cool tire) and I got my photo taken, but have to wait to receive it from them.
They were preparing to move into their new home togehter on six acres of land, located in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. She has horses and he drives a Harley. What a life!!! They invited me to look them up if I ever make it out that way. I do believe that I will stop by and say hello the next time I take another extended road trip up north since I love the mountains and enjoy exploring placed I've never seen. (I've never been to Tennessee.) We exchanged cards so that she can send me the photo and to keep in touch. Turns out she has an Etsy shop too. Here it is, if you want to look:
Cre8tive Creations
Gizzy barked at the little gator that was making those throaty baby grunting sounds. Good thing momma gator wasn't nearby or else ... (I've heard some stories!)
The little fella got the hook removed from his mouth and then released back in the water. He'll probably never, ever will bite another earthworm with a hook on it.
Today, Gizzy and I went again to Bank's Lake and even though it was not very sunny, I still managed to get a few scenic shots. This is a Water Lilly. They grow abundantly in the lake right now.
I took a couple of pictures of us
From the deck, we can watch people fish and the boats pull in and out of the dock. It is a nice breezy day, just the way we like it. Not too hot and just right for being outside.
This little green lizard was sitting on the fence of the deck looking down into the water... watch out little fella!
Just another look around - I still can't get over those cypress trees growing right out of the water like that...
Gizzy slowly waddling towards the car. He really loves being outside, but I believe he's always relieved to get away from this lake because he senses the alligators in there and he's never quite comfortable when we're walking on the deck, close to the water. (Did you know that dog is one of the alligator's favorite foods?)
This is the Outpost that my friend runs. I visit her periodically and we chat while sitting outside on the bench (no dogs allowed inside) while I usually knit or crochet. Gizzy loves to watch the people as they dock their fishing boats in and out of the water, or walk up to the Outpost to purchase their crickets and worms.
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