Monday, September 14, 2009

At the Drive-Through

This morning I stopped at Bank's Lake National Wildlife Refuge to walk with Gizzy and to brush his coat at our usual picnic table on the pier. He sits in front of me on the table and enjoys the view, while I'm brushing him. I normally carry his grooming equipment with me on our walks, so that I can keep all that fur outside and hopefully the birds can use some of it for their nests.

While we were sitting there, looking out at the water, I noticed an alligator. See? ...that small oval streak in the center? That's a gator! (Click on the photo to enlarge it!)

You can see total satisfaction in that dog's face. Gizzy's always so happy when we're outside. As soon as it starts cooling down, we'll spend a lot more time outside, that's for sure!

On the way home, we went to the Hardee's drive-through restaurant and that dog knows, he's getting a hamburger. That's his attentive look! He stares and concentrates on that window, literally willing it to open and somehow - like magic - produce a bag of food containing a tasty treat!

He even does that at the bank's drive-through window. Sometimes the ladies give him a doggy biscuit, but he doesn't want that...he wants a plain burger, hold the bun!


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