Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yodeling Thanksgiving

I spent Thanksgiving with my friends Arlene, the lady who makes those lovely wooden treasure chests and her sister, Marcia. We shared an almost vegetarian meal, because it did involve deviled eggs. It goes without saying that my boy, Gizzy, was in attendance and nibbled on the butternut squash with emphasis on the (real) butter.


There was more than enough for us three, plus take homes.

After dinner, we moved into the living room for some R&R  Notice the big Treasure Chest on Arlene's coffee table? She built that one from wood coming from an old 100 year old house, making it extra precious. 

(Marcia reading on the couch and Gizzy on the floor)

Meanwhile, Arlene graced us with a little music on her Autoharp. She played a German/Austrian song called  "the Cuckoo" that involved yodeling - which she did! I was impressed! I doubt very many folks got yodeled to this Thanksgiving. 

Both, Arlene and her sister, are very talented in arts and crafts and musical instruments. They play several instruments each. Marcia is a piano teacher. I shamelessly ask for songs whenever I can.

I hope you all had a peaceful and tasty Thanksgiving today.


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