We have a new member of the family that came to us all the way from Oklahoma. I won her playing Cathy’s Christmas Countdown on Live well, laugh often, Love much. Take a look on her blog, because it’s not too late to participate.
Cathy is a dear blogging buddy, a fellow Pins and Needles member (come and join us) and a wonderful artist skilled in quilting, sewing and all sorts of arts and crafts. You will find a wonderful selection of crafts on her blog as well as yummy recipes to try.
THANK YOU, CATHY, FOR THIS LOVELY DOLLY! As you can see, she’s made herself right at home by exploring her new surroundings:
After being in the shipping box for a while, she needed some fresh air by sitting on the chair outside on the back porch (my usual crocheting spot.)
After that, she wanted me to lift her up on that tree because, like me, she seems to love them very much:
“Look ma, no hands!”
Then she made friends with my red paisley hippo:
Hippo courtesy of Caryn of Smooch Designs.
She even helped me check something on the computer…she’s very smart, Cathy!
But her most favorite place to sit was right beside Gizzy. She likes him A LOT!
…and Gizzy likes her too! Thanks, Cathy, for sending your little Ms. Matilda Jane to live with us. We will be very happy together!
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