Friday, April 9, 2010

Another walk in the park

Life is good! It's a beautiful day and I am blessed with many caring friends - plus, I have a dog who keeps me going ... dare I ask for more?

Today is exceptionally beautiful. It rained yesterday for the better part of the afternoon and evening and it looked so perfectly clean and clear that I wanted to share some photos with you.  When we arrived at the park, this is what we saw:

Gizzy had to go visit the "Rocky's Bridge" boulder to investigate, while I tried capturing the sunlight in the water.

We walked over to the picnic table by the Azelea bushes that are showing their splendor in various colors.

We sat there for a while taking in the glorious view and I decorated my flower boy.

After walking to the rose bush, I noticed the morning dew was still on the pedals.

It was just magnificent - all that brilliant green - almost like a Disney Movie.

I adore that spring green color of the leaves - it reminds me of picnics with family and outdoor Easter Egg hunts and everything that's clean and good in life.

As I was sitting at the park bench with my Gizzy, enjoying the beautiful view, only one thing came to mind that described the magnitude of what I was feeling:

This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

I saw huge dogwood blossoms and a little bird sitting on top of a bush, chirping and singing his little heart out. He was rejoicing too.

...and if I should grow to an old and feeble age, I pray God grant me eyesight to the very end for the beauty of His works astound and overwhelm me with a sense of humility and thankfulness that only my tears can express.


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