Originally I was supposed to be back on Tuesday or Wednesday, but since the surgery had to be delayed, I didn't get back till this afternoon around 5:30. It was a very emotion packed week, but it all turned out ok in the end and I was told the surgery went well. I stayed with Betty till they rolled her into surgery. Her family arrived earlier this morning and will be staying with her from now on and drive her back home. She is tentatively slated to be released on Monday.
We didn't go out of our way to do any sight seeing, because Betty was in pain and it never crossed my mind to even think about leaving her in the hotel room alone. I came to help her and not to run off touring the city. She was so kind and sweet and generous and thanked me over and over for staying with her. I was so glad to be able to help her and it really was no inconvenience for me at all, especially since I had Gizzy and didn't have to worry about my ole boy being alone at home feeling lonely or scared.
Here he is in the hotel room:
We stayed in a nice, clean hotel room on the third floor with a fridge, microwave and two queen sized beds. Gizzy was very comfy on the window bench and enjoyed looking out. He was such a good boy. He never barked or caused any problems. Betty was so impressed with him. She never knew this side of him and was simply amazed at his easy going nature. He really is one of the best travelling companion pets I ever had.
Here's Betty going over last minute instructions and details - she was nerveous and anxious and so glad I came with her. To thank me she bought me a new, comfortable outfit to wear. It wasn't necessary, but of course, I appreciated it very much.
On the trip back, I thought I could stop and take a few scenery pictures because I was enchanted with the lush greenery, the pretty wildflowers on the side of the road in yellow and purple and the red soil. It made for a very colorful palate that would have been a wonderful landscape for a painting. But, it ended up raining pretty much all the way home, so there went that plan. I did, however, stop on a roadside stand to purchase a 5 lb. bag of sweet Vidalia onions and a big, 32 oz. jug full of local wild flower honey.
I popped an onion in the oven for baking and made some jasmine tea for my honey (no, not Gizzy) - Gizzy's tuckered out from the long trip home. It is raining still and a good time to stay in and regroup. My back will be glad to be sleeping in the recliner tonight.
By the way, Middi was happy to see me and she's not stopped meowing since I came in. It is obvious that she missed me, which is nice to know considering her recent escapades. It's nice to be back home (ahhhh!)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
I'm a lucky dog!
Because I'm a very good boy and an excellent traveler, my mommy is taking me to Columbus with her and auntie Betty today. I will spend tonight in a hotel and collect new memories. Mommy likes to give me something new to dream about because she knows I sleep a lot.
Ooops, got to go....mommy's calling me. I have to take a shower with her so I'm all nice and clean for the trip with my humans.
Ooops, got to go....mommy's calling me. I have to take a shower with her so I'm all nice and clean for the trip with my humans.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Woodpecker sighting and container gardening
Good morning from "Woody" woodpecker. He got my attention by making all this racket. At first I thought there was a cat approaching and it was some sort of warning call, but then I saw him - him and a few cardinals by my neighbor's bird feeding station.
It's raining, thundering and lighting today and it's very dark. It seems like 6 am. Gizzy's normally very afraid of the thunder and lighting, but since his hearing isn't as keen as it used to be and I'm with him, he can pretty much sleep through it without too much drama, unless it's crashing down furiously right above us, now that makes him very afraid. Also, he's getting more insecure and has taken to barking when he's left alone - which is very seldom. He normally never barked, but I suppose he's getting on in years and he's reverting back into his puppyhood - sort of like some old people turning back into little children again.
So here are a few pictures of the birds and then I'd best shut down this computer - just in case - and visit you all a little later:
This is the view out of my back door. Directly across from me is the clubhouse/screened in porch section of the office and to my left is my neighbor's bird feeding station. If it weren't for the two noisy compressors right below my dining room window, it would be a lot more peaceful and enjoyable. I try to block out the noise, but it's not always working. Now that my big tree is gone out front, I will rely more on these trees and shrubs in the back for my "greenery" fix and consolation.
Since it's a bit dark and raining outside, the pictures don't look as sharp as they could have.
It's raining, thundering and lighting today and it's very dark. It seems like 6 am. Gizzy's normally very afraid of the thunder and lighting, but since his hearing isn't as keen as it used to be and I'm with him, he can pretty much sleep through it without too much drama, unless it's crashing down furiously right above us, now that makes him very afraid. Also, he's getting more insecure and has taken to barking when he's left alone - which is very seldom. He normally never barked, but I suppose he's getting on in years and he's reverting back into his puppyhood - sort of like some old people turning back into little children again.
So here are a few pictures of the birds and then I'd best shut down this computer - just in case - and visit you all a little later:
This is the view out of my back door. Directly across from me is the clubhouse/screened in porch section of the office and to my left is my neighbor's bird feeding station. If it weren't for the two noisy compressors right below my dining room window, it would be a lot more peaceful and enjoyable. I try to block out the noise, but it's not always working. Now that my big tree is gone out front, I will rely more on these trees and shrubs in the back for my "greenery" fix and consolation.
Since it's a bit dark and raining outside, the pictures don't look as sharp as they could have.
If this tornado watch (rain, lighting and thunder) keeps up, I may take Gizzy with me tomorrow, because I'm only spending one night in the hotel and then take Betty to the hospital where they will keep her busy running around doing her pre-op procedures. She said she really won't need me to be with her for that. Her family will join her the following day when she is having her back surgery and the mandatory 3 or 4 day stay afterwards.
In between the rain, I managed to plant some strawberries in an oblong container out front - just hoping the cats don't think it's a litterbox (yikes!) and I replanted a star jasmine out back into a bigger pot. I stuck one of those round tomato supporters in there so the vine has something to climb on for now until it gets bigger. I sewed some catnip for Middi. It may not grow because the seeds are a couple of years old, but one just never knows. Now I'm out of potting soil and when I buy more, I have more seeds and more containers to use up.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Milltown Murals Motorcade 2010
Today, Lakeland celebrated it's annual Milltown Murals Motorcade event. I found out at the last minute when driving to town for some groceries. See what I almost missed because I don't read the paper, nor watch TV?
While the historic murals always line the streets of this Lanier County town, an estimated 100 vintage vehicles roll into Lakeland during that event as part of the Milltown Murals Motorcade.
The mural series is often called Milltown Murals because Milltown was the town’s name until 1925 when the name changed to Lakeland in honor of beautiful Banks Lake but, more importantly, the murals bring a sense of 1920s Milltown to life.
Lumber and cotton were leading industries. Times were different then and many changes have occured in the past nine decades. While many towns barely remember their past, Lakeland remembers and celebrates it daily with over 20 life-sized painted murals of life in 1925 Milltown. For over a decade now scenes of a bygone era by South Carolina artist R.D. Waldrop, pop up around the town – by the hospital, a park, the historical society and a bank building.
I have posted about the town's murals before and included several photographs that I took. If you'd like to see an example of what you might see during a visit to Lakeland, just click below:
Milltown Murals Motorcade 2009
I took Gizzy to "his" beloved Roquemore Park and he was so amazed at what he saw. Normally when we go there is nobody there and we have the park to ourselves, but today there was lots of commotion, a nice display of old cars, music, refreshments and a few familiar faces:

Gizzy took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on the little boy who was fishing with his net in the pond...and I kept an extra close watch on Gizzy, because he doesn't do well with small children and sudden moves. As we all know, children are full of sudden moves.

There was even an old firetruck on display (pictured on the left side of the photo.)
...and of course, there was music and boiled peanuts, lemonade and popcorn.
We met up with an old friend, Hilda Patten, who no longer lives here. Her family has placed her in a home in another city where she can be well looked after as she's unable to take care of herself. Her momma passed away earlier this year at the age of 98 and her daddy the year before at 99, short of 3 days from his 100th birthday. They were married for 77 years. Here sitting with Gizzy is Hilda Patten of the Patten family who practically established this town - let's just say a very old family name, along with some very old money.
A few years back, when I first met Hilda, she used to be able to do some embroidery and sewing, but now she does mostly beading work, but still enjoys looking at crafts magazines and talking crafts with me. Whenever I pass the Patten home, that now stands empty and is used for special family gatherings only, Gizzy still wants to turn into her driveway on our walk to the lake, because we often stopped by to chat or take her with us to sit by the water for some people watching - and talking. She loves to talk to everyone! I miss her living here. My world seems just a little more empty without her calling and waiving at me. That's the problem with friends who move away. I'm sure you're all familiar with that feeling.

Ok, Gizzy, it's time to go home - the wind is picking up and we might get some more rain. It was a very pleasant afternoon and I so enjoyed the music.
While the historic murals always line the streets of this Lanier County town, an estimated 100 vintage vehicles roll into Lakeland during that event as part of the Milltown Murals Motorcade.
The mural series is often called Milltown Murals because Milltown was the town’s name until 1925 when the name changed to Lakeland in honor of beautiful Banks Lake but, more importantly, the murals bring a sense of 1920s Milltown to life.
Lumber and cotton were leading industries. Times were different then and many changes have occured in the past nine decades. While many towns barely remember their past, Lakeland remembers and celebrates it daily with over 20 life-sized painted murals of life in 1925 Milltown. For over a decade now scenes of a bygone era by South Carolina artist R.D. Waldrop, pop up around the town – by the hospital, a park, the historical society and a bank building.
I have posted about the town's murals before and included several photographs that I took. If you'd like to see an example of what you might see during a visit to Lakeland, just click below:
Milltown Murals Motorcade 2009
I took Gizzy to "his" beloved Roquemore Park and he was so amazed at what he saw. Normally when we go there is nobody there and we have the park to ourselves, but today there was lots of commotion, a nice display of old cars, music, refreshments and a few familiar faces:
There was even an old firetruck on display (pictured on the left side of the photo.)
...and of course, there was music and boiled peanuts, lemonade and popcorn.
We met up with an old friend, Hilda Patten, who no longer lives here. Her family has placed her in a home in another city where she can be well looked after as she's unable to take care of herself. Her momma passed away earlier this year at the age of 98 and her daddy the year before at 99, short of 3 days from his 100th birthday. They were married for 77 years. Here sitting with Gizzy is Hilda Patten of the Patten family who practically established this town - let's just say a very old family name, along with some very old money.
A few years back, when I first met Hilda, she used to be able to do some embroidery and sewing, but now she does mostly beading work, but still enjoys looking at crafts magazines and talking crafts with me. Whenever I pass the Patten home, that now stands empty and is used for special family gatherings only, Gizzy still wants to turn into her driveway on our walk to the lake, because we often stopped by to chat or take her with us to sit by the water for some people watching - and talking. She loves to talk to everyone! I miss her living here. My world seems just a little more empty without her calling and waiving at me. That's the problem with friends who move away. I'm sure you're all familiar with that feeling.
Ok, Gizzy, it's time to go home - the wind is picking up and we might get some more rain. It was a very pleasant afternoon and I so enjoyed the music.
Hanging basket
So now that I have no more shade, I can hang baskets on the hooks of the building to grow something. Before I never had enough sun, only now I have too much. I actually burned my forearm on the front door yesterday - that's how hot it was. You could fry an egg on that door (I think it's metal disguised as wood.) Anyhow, I planted some cherry tomato seeds and hung the basket in front of my living room window. I purchased a kit a while back, only I used a bigger basket that I already had, and will use the smaller one for some herbs.
It's drizzling today, so it's not too hot yet. I actually took down the living room curtains and hung a dark blue bed sheet on there till I buy the bamboo covers for the outside. Keeping it dark helps and I am using all my fans. I have two ceiling fans and one that goes in the window for the dining room. I actually don't even have a dining room, but converted it into my den/office space since I rarely have company for dinner. When I do, then it's totally informal and buffet style. I've not done fancy for a very long time.

Here's what's remaining of "my" tree and Middi is actually using it as a scratching post. It makes a bit of a mess, but thanks to the vinyl flooring, it's easy to sweep up.
I'm back to do some crocheting now. I also have to prepare for a trip on Monday afternoon. My neighbor is having her back surgery, so I'm taking her to Columbus, Georgia, for her pre-op procedures and then I'm coming back Tuesday night when her family will join her for her actual surgery the following day. My neighbor, Wendy, will look after Gizzy and Middi and I will bring my digital to take some photos. I've never been to Columbus, so I might find something interesting to talk about upon my return.
Oh, speaking of digital: Yesterday I had a problem with my camera. The display kept saying "card not initialized", when indeed I have been using it all along. Anyhow, I decided to try the other picture card to see if I would get the same message. Well, when I went into my camera pouch to get the picture card, I found some money in there that I had stashed when I went to the Powwow in Fargo. I really needed some cash because, let's face it folks, I'm on Disability and during the last week of the month it's pretty much beans and rice for this ole gal... at least till my car's paid off. I'm sure stuff like that has happened to you before. Isn't it great when you find money you didn't know you had, like in a coat pocket or a purse?
It's drizzling today, so it's not too hot yet. I actually took down the living room curtains and hung a dark blue bed sheet on there till I buy the bamboo covers for the outside. Keeping it dark helps and I am using all my fans. I have two ceiling fans and one that goes in the window for the dining room. I actually don't even have a dining room, but converted it into my den/office space since I rarely have company for dinner. When I do, then it's totally informal and buffet style. I've not done fancy for a very long time.
Here's what's remaining of "my" tree and Middi is actually using it as a scratching post. It makes a bit of a mess, but thanks to the vinyl flooring, it's easy to sweep up.
I'm back to do some crocheting now. I also have to prepare for a trip on Monday afternoon. My neighbor is having her back surgery, so I'm taking her to Columbus, Georgia, for her pre-op procedures and then I'm coming back Tuesday night when her family will join her for her actual surgery the following day. My neighbor, Wendy, will look after Gizzy and Middi and I will bring my digital to take some photos. I've never been to Columbus, so I might find something interesting to talk about upon my return.
Oh, speaking of digital: Yesterday I had a problem with my camera. The display kept saying "card not initialized", when indeed I have been using it all along. Anyhow, I decided to try the other picture card to see if I would get the same message. Well, when I went into my camera pouch to get the picture card, I found some money in there that I had stashed when I went to the Powwow in Fargo. I really needed some cash because, let's face it folks, I'm on Disability and during the last week of the month it's pretty much beans and rice for this ole gal... at least till my car's paid off. I'm sure stuff like that has happened to you before. Isn't it great when you find money you didn't know you had, like in a coat pocket or a purse?
Friday, April 23, 2010
A peek from a Peke
peek-a-boo from me to you:
(Gizzy on the kiddy slide at Roquemore park - taken a while back!)
My day is quiet and I'm staying to myself crocheting, practicing my Ostrich impression!
If I'm lucky, that'll be me in another 30 years...(she's knitting)
(Gizzy on the kiddy slide at Roquemore park - taken a while back!)
My day is quiet and I'm staying to myself crocheting, practicing my Ostrich impression!
If I'm lucky, that'll be me in another 30 years...(she's knitting)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Irony, thy name is Chestnut Village or The Death of a Shade Tree
Today is Earth Day, why not celebrate by cutting down some pesky shade trees, right?
this is my little corner of the world and I think you all know how much I love that tree because it bloomed in the spring and gave me colorful foliage in the fall...
My neighbor, Wendy (R) who is also Gizzy's babysitter when I'm gone. She's one of the few people brave enough to deal with him as he's kind of unpredictable and has a tendency to snap at sudden moves, i.e. wriggling toes and fingers (sorry, folks, he's terribly misunderstood - yeah, ok, and spoiled - wonder how that happend?)
Sitting next to Wendy is her daugther April having coffee and watching the tree cutting ordeal. Their side got rescheduled for another day.
I'm sitting in front of my apartment under the shade tree while Gizzy watches the commotion on our side further down the row. They're working their way up to "my" tree, so the whole neighborhood is looking on.
The row of trees across the street will come down another day. The job was postponed due to illness of a tenant in the apartments across the way.

They're working their way along towards me while Gizzy is trying to bark them away.
this is my little corner of the world and I think you all know how much I love that tree because it bloomed in the spring and gave me colorful foliage in the fall...
My neighbor, Wendy (R) who is also Gizzy's babysitter when I'm gone. She's one of the few people brave enough to deal with him as he's kind of unpredictable and has a tendency to snap at sudden moves, i.e. wriggling toes and fingers (sorry, folks, he's terribly misunderstood - yeah, ok, and spoiled - wonder how that happend?)
Sitting next to Wendy is her daugther April having coffee and watching the tree cutting ordeal. Their side got rescheduled for another day.
The row of trees across the street will come down another day. The job was postponed due to illness of a tenant in the apartments across the way.
My friend, Bobby-Jack, stopping by to offer his condolences. He's a contractor who could have taken up the slab of cement, levelled out the roots and replaced the stone to make the walkway flat again, but that was too sensible of a solution, so why not remove all the trees "just in case." It's like pulling out a tooth just because it has a cavity, right? But, hey, I'm only a renter and I have to be thankful to have a roof over my head, so I just shut up, pay my rent and take the pictures.
They're working their way along towards me while Gizzy is trying to bark them away.
I got to keep one souvenir from the tree. I asked for a thick log to use as a scratching post for Middi, since she prefers my furniture over the one she has now, and thankfully she has been using her scratching log several times today.
All gone! That's what it looks like now on "my" side of the road - I'm the corner one on the right - it now looks just like any ole "project" housing and I HATE it!
Now I have my work cut out for myself. With the help of my friend, Bobby-Jack, I'll have to insulate windows and doors and hang bamboo covers on the outside of my windows and doors to block off the afternoon sun!
Hope your Earth Day started out better than mine - I know, I know, it could be worse, but it's just ironic it had to happen on this day.
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