Of course, while I was sorting and reading through some of my papers, I came across a couple of old photos from my last visit to Germany - and that, ladies and gents, was back in April of 2003. I can't believe it! It's been that long! (Note to self: buy more photo albums!)
I remember driving through the country side in good ole Bavaria and since it was around Easter Time, the villagers had hung decorated Easter eggs (hollowed out and painted) all around the town's well/fountain (Brunnen) which is Easter tradition where I come from. It looked so cheerful and I decided to sit beside it and have my photo taken by dad. Here are the two photos of the decorated hollowed out eggs hanging around the well.
I had to photograph the photos with my digital in order to show you, but I believe you can make it out if you increase the percentage a little, like to 200 maybe?
It looks as if I am smelling the daffodils, doesn't it? But, it's just optical illusion a la Papa!
I'll leave you with a fun Easter illustration I found on the German website called GermanDeli.com where I shop sometimes to quench my German food cravings, such as Himbeersaft, Hagebuttenmarmelade und Himbeerpudding and the occasional Weisswurst (mmmmmm.)
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