As I walked out the door to get my annual flu shot at our local Health Office this morning, you should have seen Gizzy's befuddled look, because I actually left without him - something that doesn't happen very often.
When I returned, I got Gizzy and drove to Roquemore Park, a place we have not visited for a while. It was a so beautiful outside with a refreshing breeze and it felt good to walk around amongst all the splendor of the morning. It was rather soggy and flooded in some areas because of all the rain we had this week. It's been raining every day and now the clouds are getting dark again.
So, grab a cup of Java and come along on a tour of this morning's outing:

First of all, Gizzy, for some reason, had to walk up on the kiddie tower (where the slide is) and look through the bars.

Silly boy!

... the dragonflies have been a plenty this year - and so big and fat! It appears they did a wonderful job keeping the mosquito population in check, because I've not had nearly the trouble with biting insects as in previous years.

Here we are sitting beneath a tree on a bench and Gizzy's looking at me as if to say: "Thanks, mom, for bringing me here - I really needed that."

As I was standing there watching the dragonflies dart all over the place, hoping to capture one, I saw this tree across the pond whith this huge spider web in it. What is he trying to catch? ... a bird?

Here are some pitiful shots of flying dragonflies. I bet they were laughing at me as I was standing there, trying to follow them with my little Fuji digital camera. I was just clicking, hoping to get something - they were way too quick for me.

I managed to capture them, but since my camera is sadly inadequate for these types of shots, that's apparently the best I can do...

I'm telling you, these guys were seriously mocking me, watching me turn around and around and not being able to keep up with them.

Meanwhile, Gizzy found himself a nice spot in the shade to take in the scenery.

Looks like I wasn't the only one taking photos this morning, but honestly, that lady had serious equipment!

I somehow managed to capture the dew drops on this rose without using Macro or expensive gear!

Let's not forget to look up...look at the V-shape of these migrating birds. Looks like they're white Herons, but heck, I didn't even know I captured them, because from where I was standing, I was just aiming in the general direction and clicked the shutter.

This one, I'm pretty sure, is an Anhinga (or snake bird.)

I call this shot "Stars in the Water" because of the glittering sun beams.

And when the wind picked up, we got more "stars."

Gizzy basking in the sun while I'm taking pictures.

These little wild morning glories are climbing all over the rose bush.

I didn't have to chase this butterfly too long before he settled down on some bright green leaves.
After we got home, I had to check the mail where these yellow flowers grow. I think they're called Lemon Verbena because when you brush your hands through them, you end up smelling like lemon - I LOVE it... and all the flying insects seem to love them too. This bush is always aflutter with all sorts of insects.

You would not believe how many flying insects were out today - it was fantastic - I saw Monarchs and yellow butterflies and charcoal with turquoise, but I couldn't capture one.

Here's some kind of moth whose name I don't know...maybe Lisa or Gretl?

The bees where there too, collecting their share of pollen and nectar.

One of my neighbor's garden had these beautiful flowers. I think they're a sort of a Hybiscus. Isn't the color just wonderful?

The Petunias are hanging on and still blooming.

Bees are collecting the last of the Crepe Myrtles - they're almost done blooming too.

Another photo of a moth on the lemoney blossoms.

Because of all the rain we've been getting, the mushrooms are popping out of the ground all around.

The Crepe Myrtles are almost done blooming.

I can't believe how quickly time flies.

I enjoy looking at these little soldiers of the earth, so what if they're only toad stools!

A little moth.
And last, but not least, I'd best remember to bring Middi some fresh grass or else...

Looks like she really, really wanted that grass...
Until next time - happy September!
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