Monday, August 17, 2009

Super Size Me

I watched this movie for the first time yesterday and I tell you what: it was an eye opener and a half. A lot of these things I already knew, but it's something else to see it in action. I feel fortunate to have inherited my dad's love of fresh produce and believe that in spite of my weight problem, I am healthier than if I ate junk food, fast food and drank sodas. I never got into the habit of snacking on chips and stuff and generally am not into sweets. Give me a pickle any day!

Since my hip replacements (and back problems) I've not been able to move like I used to and the lack of exercise is catching up with me. Therefore, I seriously have to trim my portion sizes way down, because I discovered that one can get fat on healthy foods just the same.

I would encourage anyone to watch this movie. It's very interesting, informative and funny at times.
Super Size Me, the movie. Just click and watch it on Hulu for free (it's a safe website!)

So, good luck and good health to us all!

Lastly, for your viewing pleasure, watch Saturday Night Live's Taco Town and ROFL (if you can)

To me that taco looks just so would be like eating a newborn...yuk! (look, he's even ogling and holding it like a baby!) What's next? Oh, yeah, a heart attack!!! We don't need any natural disasters to wipe us off the face of this earth because we are pretty good at killing ourselves with all this overconsumption, aka gluttony!


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