After you read my poem, you'll know that I'm not a pro, but I'm passionate about the subject of my rhyme, which is my pet pekingese dog, Gizzy. Please note that this is not an entry, just my way of getting you inspired:
My Boy, Gizzy!
Some like it hot…
My boy does not!
His coat is dense and furry
He sleeps a lot,
but don’t you worry
he’s soon charged and ready to play
Tug-o-war is his game
and Miss Piggy‘s the prey.
He gives you a run for your money.
Watch out, honey, he’s very funny!
Only you fellas beware
Don’t you walk through that door
lest you dare
getting your pant legs pulled
from here to there…I know it’s not fair!
I tell him, he’s the only boy for me.
He’s one of a kind, rare and unique,
a very special Peke.
There’ll never be
another Gizzy
No, Siree!
Here are the simple 1-2-3 RULES:
1) Compose your own, original poem containing anywhere from 4 to 26 lines about a subject you feel passionate about (to make this fair, only one poem per person or under the same name)
2) Submit your poem in the comments section (here) in this blog
3) Deadline to enter is June 16th, 2009! (my Birthday)
After all entries have been received, I will ask people to vote. I will post a link on Twitter, Flickr, Squidoo, BLIP, the Etsy Community and my two Etsy teams, namely the Etsy Hookers Street team and the Etsy Honey Bee Helpers team, plus all my family and friends in my address books in my e-mails. I'll also see if I can solicit some votes from my Yahoo groups! The person with the highest number of votes will win the contest. If it's a tie, we'll draw a number!
Winner will be announced on the following weekend, June 23rd, 2009.
NOTE: If only one person enters, then that person gets the prize!
The winner can chose from one of the following:
* An item (or items) from my existing inventory in my Etsy shop for a combined total of $15 or less with FREE standard shipping. If your selected item(s) total less than $15, then that's your prize.
* or a $15 credit towards any item over $15 so that you will pay the difference and I will pay the standard shipping.
* or a $15 Gift Certificate (with free standard shipping) for you to use as you will, including transferring it to another person, in which case I will need the details from you, please! (If for some reason, I end up having to close my Etsy shop, all bets are off and I will not honor the gift certificate.)
My shop on Etsy is:
Honey Bee Crochet by SturmDM
I used to have another shop that was called:
365 Days of Christmas but I had to close that one because apparently someone has trade marketed that name for her business back in 1999. Here is the convo I received:
by mrsclaus365days profile shop contact
Listing: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26544977
Dear Friend,
I found your site on Esty, and your work is lovely. Unfortunately, I trade marked the name 365 Days of Christmas back in 1999, so you will have to change your name on this site.
Please contact me back. Thanks, Barbara Jancovic www.365daysofchristmas.com
Good luck and let the creative juices flow!